
Domain Name Registration
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SEO Consulting
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Social Media Consulting
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It's not about being good, it's about getting better!

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the most important part of maintaining your site once it is up and running.  While it involves many things, it is ultimately the process of making your site easily found and well-ranked by the search engines. What makes your website rank well today may change tomorrow, because the formulas(algorithms) used to rank pages are constantly changing just as the web is changing. 

We incorporate SEO into all of our new websites. If you already have a website, SEO is for you if you wish to increase your rankings in the search engines.

We keep abreast of and adhere to the latest guidelines published by the search engines.

We provide search optimization on a monthly basis, starting at $250/month. Our services include:

Keyword research

Reporting on your competitors

Links to appropriate sites

Advice on social media         …. and More 

Ohio Web SEO